Friday, December 24, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010


                                                                  Corporate Consulate

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I dedicate this photo to my Twin Moo

                                                   Residents of The Cotswolds, England

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

An Impressive Bunch

 Henrick Ibsen ( 1828 - 1906)
 August Strindberg (1849 - 1912)
Ingmar Bergman (1912 - 2007)

I am officially in love with everything Scandinavian.  A new world has opened before me after taking a Scandinavian class at university.  I am coming out with my obsession of Ibsen & Strindberg plays and Bergman movies.  I was watching one of Ingmar Bergman's first cinematically acclaimed films last night: "Smiles of A Summer Night" which essentially is a romantic comedy, and almost keeled over it was so hysterical! The film was made in the 1950s it is in black and white and is just a pleasure to watch.  His more intense movies like "Wild Strawberries" and "The Seventh Seal" grapple with more potent issues like the existence of God and the meaning of life.  All of his films leave you with a preposterous amount of questions, appreciation for film, and an uncanny desire to be human and experience every sensation you can; from pleasure, love & ecstasy to anguish, doubt and fear.  He shares with his visionary predecessors Ibsen and Strindberg, the ability to place core elements of humanity's trials and tribulations on a witty and endearing field of vision.  I applaud the Scandinavian continent for producing such brilliant minds.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lily Love

This is a picture I took of a Sunday family gathering at my sisters home in Vancouver.  I walked into her lavishly decorated and warm house to find a cake waiting for me.  She is a talented interior designer, and a wonderful host! I am really excited to see what she puts together for Christmas!